2015年5月,新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州阿克陶县公格尔九别峰北坡克拉牙依拉克冰川发生跃动,造成草场和部分房屋被冰体淹没,本文针对这一冰川跃动事件的发生过程进行研究.利用2013-2015年间ASTER立体像对数据监测了克拉牙依拉克冰川的冰川表面高程的变化,并利用2015年4月13日至2015年7月11日期间的Landsat OLI数据监测了冰川的表面运动速度变化.监测发现,克拉牙依拉克冰川从2015年4月13号开始活动强烈,表面运动速度呈加快趋势,2015年5月8-15日期间冰川表面运动速度达到最高水平,其最大运动速度在西支中部达到了(20.40±0.42)m·d-1,冰川跃动达到顶峰.冰川跃动"积蓄区"位于西支冰川平衡线以下区域,跃动向下游接收区输送冰体体积约为2.4×10^8m3,大量冰体堆积在东西支汇合口地段(海拔3 100~3 500 m),造成了该处冰面隆起,其中最大隆起高度为(130.58±0.70)m.本文获得了西支冰川由静止期、跃动状态、恢复到稳定状态期间的冰面高程和表面运动速度变化,为本地区冰川跃动机理的研究奠定了基础.
Karayaylak Glacier,located in the northern slope of Kongur Mountains,eastern Paimr,surged in May2015.The fast moving glacier ice destroyed pasture and killed many livestock.In this paper,the process of the glacier surge was studied using Remote Sensing technologies.ASTER stereopair data(2013-2015) were employed to monitor the change of surface elevation of Karayaylak Glacier,and Landsat OLI image on April 13,2015 to July 11,2015 were employed to monitor the change of glacier surface velocities.The distributions and changes of the Glacier surface velocities indicated that the western tributary of Karayaylak Glacier moved more fast than any other tributaries and the glacier trunk,which was accelerating on May 8,2015 to May 15,2015,and the maximum velocity reached up to(20.40 ±0.42) m · d-1.The total volume of glacier ice about2.4 ×10^8 m3 were transferred from the upstream which is below of equilibrium line of the west branch of Karayaylak Glacier to the downstream which is located on the confluence of the west and the glacier trunk(3 100-3 500 m a.s.1.).This lead to increase of the surface maximum thickness(130.58 ±0.70) m on the confluence.The changes of surface elevation and velocity from quiescent phase to the surging or active phase were obtained in this study,which will be the basis of further research in mechanism of the glacier surge.