With global environment becoming a pressing issue, the food miles debate rapidly morphed into the sustainable development debate. What is the relationship between food and environment? The energy and carbon emission in the food supply chain attracts wide concerns. The "food mile" concept is based on the rather simplistic notion that the further food travels between farm and plate, the greater must be its negative environmental impact. This concept got much attention from the government of each country, food traders, consumers, environmentalists and researchers. This paper tended to start from the connotation of food miles, systematically described the formation and development of the concept, and introduced two measuring methods of food miles : the IO-LCA and the energy use in supply chain. It then introduces three major standards concerning with carbon emission in food mile: 1PAS 2050, UNFCCC/CDM and ISO/CD 14067. It summarized three research areas for food miles: the production behavior, the consumption behavior and international trade. It proposed that the future research should focus on properly define the concept of food mile, use this concept to pilot the food supply and prevent food miles to be the new international trade barriers.