利用球形诱捕器诱杀柑橘大实蝇Bactrocera minax成虫,通过不同示范点、不同柑橘品种、不同悬挂密度以及悬挂时间对该诱捕器的防治效果进行了评估。结果发现:球形诱捕器能有效控制不同示范点柑橘大实蝇的为害,脐橙园和蜜橘园的防治效果分别达到97.5%和100%。此外,球形诱捕器的悬挂密度及悬挂时间与其防治效果密切相关。在5月中旬成虫羽化高峰期以及6月初成虫大量返回柑橘园期间,利用球形诱捕器诱杀柑橘大实蝇能达到最佳防效。根据果园中果树密度及柑橘大实蝇危害程度不同,建议每666.7m2柑橘园悬挂诱捕器15个左右。该球形诱捕器不仅能够监测柑橘大实蝇成虫发生动态,而且能有效防治柑橘大实蝇。
In this study,spherical traps were used to attract and kill the Chinese citrus fly,Bactrocera minax.The control efficiency of the traps was estimated under various factors,including different experimental location,citrus variety,suspension density and suspension time.Results revealed that the flies could be attracted and killed by the spherical traps in different citrus orchards and the control efficiency in naval orange orchards and mandarin orange orchards reached 97.5% and 100%,respectively.In addition,the control efficiency was closely associated with the appropriate suspension density and proper time.It is suggested that the optimum time for the control of B.minaxadults by the spherical traps was from middle May to early June.According to the density and luxuriant level of citrus trees,we advised that 15 traps be suspended per 666.7m2 of land.In conclusion,the spherical trap not only can monitor the population dynamic of B.minaxin the field,but also can control this serious insect pest effectively.