交织频分多址(IFDMA)是3GPP LTE以及欧洲WINNER的上行链路候选技术之一,其发射信号具有较低的峰均比且可以高效实现,接收端用于用户分离和均衡的运算复杂度较低,即使发射机无信道状态信息的情况下IFDMA也具有较高的频谱效率。本文对IFDMA技术进行了详细的介绍,包括其基本系统模型、技术特点以及相关应用。
Interleaved frequency-division multiple-access(IFDMA) is investigated in 3GPP LTE and WINNER as a promising candidate for the uplink and for robust signaling. In addition to low peak-to-average power ratio(PAPR) of the transmit signal and low computational complexity for equalization and user separation, IFDMA provides an efficient implementation and good performance without channel knowledge at the transmitter. Its system model and characteristics are presented, and the application field is briefly introduced.