引言 CO2减排已成为21世纪人类面临的焦点问题。而在我国燃煤电厂作为CO2排放量最大、排放最集中的化石燃料燃烧场所,对其进行CO2减排技术的研究和开发势在必行。CO2减排技术主要分燃烧前脱碳、化学链循环、纯氧燃烧和燃烧后捕集4大类^[1-4]。
The structure identification and carbonation characteristics of several potassium-based supportecl sorbents for CO2 capture were investigated with TGA, XRD, XRF, SEM and N2 adsorption method. Potassium-based sorbents were prepared by impregnation with potassium carbonate on supports, such as cocoanut activated charcoal (AC1), coal active carbon (AC2), silica gel (SG) and diatomite (DT) using the iso-volume impregnation method. The results showed that the K2COs loading amounts of AC1, AC2, SG and DT were 24.1%, 22.5%, 21.7% and 19.1% respectively. The surface area and pore volume of K2CO3/AC1 and K2CO3/AC2 were larger than others. In contrast, those of K2CO3/DT were small. For K2CO3/SG, pore volume was large but surface area was small. K2CO3/AC1 and K2CO3/ AC2 showed excellent carbonation capacity. However, the carbonation capacities of K2CO3/SG and K2CO3/DT were low. The difference in carbonation capacity of those sorbents were attributed to the difference in pore structure, leading to different supported sorbents.