To simplify the mechanical structure, decrease the axial length and raise the critical speed of the 3 degrees of freedom axial-radial magnetic bearing, an innovated AC-DC 3 degrees of freedom hybrid magnetic bearing (AC-DC-3DOF-HMB) is proposed with the structure of both pieces and six poles. Both the spit poles and the rotor have the 30° cone-angle face, and the suspension force produced by the magnetic field can force and radial-force. The structure of cone-shaped faces achieves 3 degrees of freedom con be divided into axialtrolling using the same common air gap. In the paper, the structure and principle for producing magnetic suspension forces are introduced. The flux path is calculated by using equivalent magnetic circuits, the mathematics models of the magnetic suspension forces are deduced. The nonlinearity relations among variables and the coupling characteristics of movement and magnetic circuit between radial- and axial-direction round the balance position are calculated and analyzed by Matlab software. The electromagnetic coupling characteristics among 3 degrees of freedom and the nonlinearity relations among variables are analyzed using ANSOFT finite element analysis software. The theoretical analysis and simulation results have shown that the movement and magnetic circuits among 3 degrees of freedom round the balance position have no coupling, and using independent PID control among 3 degrees of freedom can achieve stable suspension for this magnetic bearing.