Applying a reversible linear transformation and a near-identity transformation, the simplest normal forms for high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical system is studied without the calculating of its traditional normal form. Using a reversible linear transformation, the matrix of the linear part for the nonlinear dynamical system is topologically equivalent to the block diagonal matrix that adapts to the demand of the practical research: companion matrixes distribute on the diagonal line and the remaining elements are zero. In order to obtain the simplest normal form, lower order nonlinear terms are used in the normal form for the simplifications of higher order terms. In the simplest normal form, the nonlinear coefficient matrix contains non- zero elements only in the row corresponding to the last row of each companion matrix and zero elements in the remaining rows. The general program with the Mathematica language is provided, which can compute the simplest normal form of an arbitrary nonlinear dynamical system easily. For nonlinear dynamical systems of 4-dimensional, 6-dimensional and 7-dimension, the simplest normal forms up to order 4 are discussed by executing the program.