During fracture extension driven by detonation gas of multi-pulse combustion rate, the frac ture displacement and gas pressure in the fracture affect each other. Based on the flow behavior of detonation gas in oil wells, a model of detonation gas flow in preliminary fracture was established. By introducing boundary condition, the numerical solution was obtained based on semi-analytical solution of gas pressure distribution in facture. Using linear elastic fracture mechanics and elasticity, the stress strength at the fracture tip was deduced, which is the basis for fracture initiation. Energy release rate obtained using J-integral at the fracture tip was used to determine fracture propagation speed. The fracture initialion and arrest pressure can be obtained as well as the total fracture length by solving the equation of gas flow in fracture and the equation of crack spread assuming knowing the wellbore multi-pulse gas pressure curve. The coupling between detonation gas flow and crack spread was realized which is very important to oil well fracturing work.