The genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of Siniperca was conducted. The fresh water fish is also known as Mandarin fish. Four species including S. chuatsi, S. kneri, S. obscura and S. scherzeri were studied with microsatellite DNA technique. Twenty microsatellite primers were designed using Primer Premier 5.0 according to the microsatellite DNA sequence (GenBank accession Number: DQ789247-DQ789306) of S. chuatsi isolated in our library. The results showed that: 293 alleles were found from the 20 pairs of microsatellite primers in sizes of ranging from 80 to 301 bp. The percentages of polymorphic bands were 90%, 75%, 85%, and 85% for each species respectively; and the accumulative power of discrimination (DP) and probability of paternity exclusion (PPE) were 0.9999, which indicated that the 20 pairs of microsatellite primers could be used in parentage and determine the kinship of Siniperca in future genetic breeding studies. Clustering analysis indicated that S. chuatsi and S. scherzeri joined the first group sharing close kinship and appeared relatively later. S. kneri and S. obscura joined up in another group. The UPGMA tree demarcates the 4 species into different species with different evolutionary and breeding history.