资源管理是网格计算研究领域中的一项重要研究点,目前的研究工作大多致力于解决异构性问题,对于在交付无缝QoS(quality of service)前提下提高资源分配性能方面还缺乏深入的研究.而且,目前对网格QoS的研究集中于将多媒体网络QoS的相关成果融入网格体系架构中以提供对网格QoS的支持,而缺少对网格QoS的特性进行系统化的研究与归纳.为此,提出了网格QoS的层次结构模型,并对其中承上启下的虚拟组织层Qos参数进行了新的分类和测量;然后,利用SNAP(service negotiation and acquisition protocol)协议对基于网格QoS层次结构模型的网格Oos参数的映射转换过程进行了分析;最后,设计了网格资源管理仿真系统,并运用相关的网格OoS的研究改进了现有的Min-Min算法.仿真实验结果表明,基于QoS的网格资源管理可以在满足用户QoS需求下,有效地提高网格资源的利用率和服务请求的成功率.
As resource management becomes a hot research in Grid Computing area, current research forces on solving heterogeneity of grid environment, but the research on enhancing the efficiency of resource management on condition of delivering seamless QoS (quality of service) is not very abundant. In addition, current research about Grid QoS forces on importing related fruit on QoS from multimedia network to support Grid QoS. For that, a hierarchical structure of gird QoS is proposed in this paper. QoS parameters are newly classified into five categories and they can be measured at VO (virtual organization) layer. Then by making use of SNAP (service negotiation and acquisition protocol), the analysis on QoS parameter mapping and converting based on the hierarchical structure model is also addressed. At last, the research on Grid QoS is applied to scheduling heuristics to improve on Min-Min algorithm. The result of the simulation shows that QoS-based resource management can effectively improve grid resource utilization and service ask for success rate in dynamic service-oriented grid.