受到Agent偏好模型的启发,提出了一个新的描述人们行为的偏好系统称为AF系统,它将Michael Freund的理性偏好推理与Adams提出的经典的归纳逻辑和概率逻辑相结合,即借助经典的逻辑系统,把人们的逻辑推理和以人们的偏好取向为基础的常识性推理以及以主观愿望为基础的意向推理结合在一起成为一个有机系统,并且在这个系统下提出Agent的理性偏好的建立方法以及推理步骤.最后给出一个实例,说明它能根据人们的部分愿望,全面估计人们的偏好走向,而且一旦人们的基本态度有所转向,偏好结构也可做相应调整,无需做根本改动,因此它具有鲁棒性和实用价值.
Inspired by the interest in agent's preference model, a new preference system called AF preference system is presented in this paper, which is able to describe the behavior of human beings. It combines the rational inference of preference offered by Michael Freund with classical inductive logic and probability logic provided by Adams. That is, relying upon the classical logical system of Adams, the logical reasoning, the general (commonsense) reasoning based on preference inclination of human beings, and the inclined reasoning based on subjective hopes of human beings are combined. It is therefore an organic system. Moreover, in this system the method for constructing the rational preference relations of agent and the process of rational inference are provided. And finally, an example is given to show that the system can fully guess an agent's undisclosed preferences according to the incomplete information on his preferences. Such system provides a mental model for any rational agent. Once the inclination of agent's preference changes, this model can adjust itself accordingly, without the need of doing radical change. It is in some sense a hierarchy of the preference system of Freund and so it is particularly fit for the inductive manner of human mind. It has robustness and utilitarian value.