Based on the existing urban internal regional structure model and the extension model of urban construction land, this paper proposes an "Urban Annual Ring" model, which places emphasis on analyzing the expansion of construction land in every direction. This model can clearly reflect the growth of urban expansion in all directions, effectively enhance the visualization of urban expansion, and effectively assist us in analyzing the spatio-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of urban expansion. The model of "Urban Annual Ring" consists of city center, growth direction, annual ring unit arc, and annual ring pattern. Because the urban expansion process in China is influenced by the "Five-year Plan" and presents a distinct periodical characteristics, this study, taking Shenyang city as the study region, selecting seven Landsat remote sensing images from end years of "Five-year Plan" from 1985 to 2015, and using the "Urban Annual Ring" mode, analyzes the space-time characteristics, morphological features, expansion patterns and mechanisms of urban construction land expansion in Shenyang in combination of the urban expansion intensity, barycentric coordinates, compact ratio and fractal dimension. The results show that the spatio-temporal characteristics of the construction land expansion in this region was obviously different. The construction land expansion during the 7th "Five-Year Plan" period (1986-1990) in Shenyang was slightly higher than the 8th "Five-Year Plan" period (1991-1995). Then the urban land continued growing and the expansion intensity gradually enhanced. The city center moved towards the southwest on the whole. During the 7th "Five-year Plan" period, it moved slightly towards the northeast, and during the eighth, it moved greatly to the southwest. It moved to the northwest during the 9th and 10th "Five-year Plan" periods (1996-2005). As the expansion for the 10th "Five-Year Plan" period (2001-2005) was more balanced in all directions