The advantages and disadvantages in remote sensing image classification methods at present are analyzed, in cluding maximum likelihood classification (MLC); Artificial neural networks (ANN) classification; Logic reasoning classification based on symbol and rules. In order to advance remote sensing image classification, multi-resouce spatial database is set up by means of GIS, the thought and concept of data mining are imported, and the remote sensing image classification frame is brought forward. The concept of classification, and the index of judging splitting point on continuous valued attributes samples are defined, a new algorithm is proposed, which mines classification rules on the continuous valued attributes spatial database. A trail area is selected, the two projects are put in practice,which are based on Spectra Data, combining of Spectra data and DEM data respectively,mining classification rules, classifying remote sensing image by the way of the algorithm, and comparing their classification accuracy. Trail outcome shows that : ( 1 ) the classification accuracy of the algorithm is good ; (2) integrating DEM and other correlative data into the spatial database can advance classification accuracy. The way of mining classification rules being applied to remote sensing image classification broaden the channel of knowledge discovery in logic reasoning classification based on symbol andrules, advance the capability of discovering classification rules automatically. The new algorithm mining classification rules on the continuous valued attributes enlarge the adaptability of inducing learning algorithm to the classification of the continuous valued attributes samples.