目的 :研究胆囊结石患者住院期间的护理工作负荷以及日常生活自理能力动态变化的过程。方法 :选择在某医院住院的胆囊结石患者125例,测量每例患者每天的直接护理项目工作频次、操作时间以及日常生活自理能力评分。结果 :胆囊结石患者的日常生活自理能力与直接护理工作时间呈负相关,手术日患者的Bathel指数评分最低,为(30.64±8.87)分,而直接护理工作时间最长,为(61.67±8.39)min。结论 :胆囊结石患者日常生活自理能力与护理工作负荷有密切的对应关系,提示护理管理者在配备护理人力时应予以充分考虑。
Objective: To investigate the ability of performing activities of daily living and nursing care workload for inpatient cholecystolithiasis patients. Methods: Totally 125 inpatient cholecystolithiasis patients were selected from a local hospital. The direct nursing hours and Barthel index were recorded. Results: We found negative correlation between the activities of daily living and direct nursing time. Barthel index is the lowest about(30.64±8.87) on the surgery date, but the direct nursing time is the highest about(61.67±8.39) min. Conclusion: The ability of performing activities of daily living is the significant factor influencing nursing workload, which should be taken into consideration in nursing staffing.