本文根据经济制度和经济增长作用模型,利用一国经济制度和经济增长指标的面板数据(Panel Data),对经济制度和我国经济增长的作用机制进行实证研究.结果表明,近年来我国经济制度对经济增长不仅是重要而且是有效率的,并且政府对当前的经济增长起着决定性的作用.同时,我国宏观经济治理结构模型表明,我国经济增长存在最佳的经济制度安排,以经济增长为目标的政府治理能够实现我国最优的经济增长.
Based on the functional model of economic institution and economic growth, and using the panel data of Chinese ecnonomics, "the paper makes some empirical studies on the efficiency of economic institution transition and Chinese optimal economic growth path. It shows that: on one hand, economic institution is important to Chinese economic growth, and economic institution transition is efficient, and Chinese economy is in control of government. On the other hand, the model of the governance model proves that there exists the best economic institution in the process of the economic growth, and the Chinese government governance can realize the optimal economic growth with the goal of the economic growth.