Nine kinds of media were used to culture the strains PT95 and Q1. The results of plate cultures showed that on the 25~ Glycerol nitrate agar medium,growth of two strains was relatively slow, and no exudate and sclerotia were found. However,Q1 strain could not form sclerotia on Czapek's agar medium. And on other media,two sti'ains could form sclerotia. For PT95 strain,the highest sclerotial biomass(750 mg/plate) and carotenoid yield(23. 3 μg/plate) could be gained respectively on the malt extract agar (MEA) medium and potato dextrose agar(PDA) the highest sclerotial biomass(600 rag/plate) and medium. For Q1 strain, both MEA and PDA media gave Czapek yeast extract agar medium gave the highest carot- enoid yield(7.59 ~g/plate). The results indicate that the optimum medium for mass production of sclerotia was MEA medium for strain PT95 and MEA and PDA media for strain Ql,respectively.