本文把量子Schur超代数实现为有限域上的一般线性群的某些表示的自同态代数,推广了Bcilinson,Lusztig和MacPhcrson所建立并在Deng,Du,Parshall和Wang的专著《Hnitc Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups》中进行细节描述的量子Schur代数与有限一般线性群之间的关系.
This paper realizes quantum Schur superalgebras as the endomorphism algebras of certain representations of general linear groups over finite fields,generalizing the relationship between quantum Schur algebras and finite general linear groups established by Beilinson,Lusztig,and MacPherson and described in details in the monograph Finite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Groups by Deng,Du,Parshall,and Wang.