英文文献的旅游族群性研究发轫于20世纪80年代。自1984年皮埃尔·范登伯格(PierreL.van den Berghe)与查利斯·凯斯(Charles F.Keyes)做出“民族旅游可以促发族群性的再创造”这一论断以来,有大量个案研究证实或补充了这一观点。20世纪90年代是旅游族群性研究的黄金岁月,有至少3本论文集和2篇综述面世,它们分别代表了当时的最高研究水平。21世纪伊始,相关的案例研究呈现出丰富多彩、引人入胜的倾向,如东道主在族群性建构中的“共谋”现象。总体上,国外旅游族群性研究可从文化差异、“主-客”互动关系、族群认同的建构这三方面拳考察,运用典型案例剖析法而非文献列举法来达到见树亦见林的目的。在此基础上,可归纳出国外旅游族群性研究的五大方向:基于“主一客”互动关系的族群性研究、基于文化认同的族群性建构研究、基于族群关系的族群性研究、基于外部依赖的族群性研究、基于民族主义的族群性研究。
Touristic ethnicity is an important topic have accumulated considerable theoretical analyses in the realm of tourism. Chinese anthropologists and empirical works relating to ethnicity, but they seldom involved minority issues in tourism. This induces two characteristics in Chinese ethnic tourism studies. One is that some non-anthropological researchers make superficial analyses of touristic ethnicity; another is that the diversity of ethnic phenomena in tourism proves to be ignored by most anthropologists. Thus, it is of great necessity to introduce the touristic ethnicity studies of western countries to the Chinese readers. Now the main way to get a general understanding of foreign touristic ethnicity studies is to introduce the English academic literature. Based on the articles and works collected, we present an overview of touristic ethnicity studies on two aspects. First, we reveal the diachronic clue of foreign studies. Pierre van den Berghe is the pioneer in this field, who put forward the famous comment of "ethnic tourism can initiate a process that results in the re-creation of ethnicity" in 1984. The subsequent case studies proved van den Berghe' s insightfulness. Then the year of 1977 saw the publishing of three collections compiled separately by some scholars with different backgrounds and countries. Two review articles followed separately in 1998 and 1999, which summarized the study directions and tendencies of touristic ethnicity during the years from 1990s to the beginning of 2F' century. Second, the optimizations of some classical works are introduced in detail. We analyze these articles in order to show the researchers' perspectives and thoughts. We identify certain ways to study the phenomena of touristic ethnicity in China based on the corresponding studies abroad. For example, touristic ethnicity can be studied through "host-guest" relationships, cultural identifications, intra and inter ethnic relationships, and external dependencies and nationalism. In conclusion, we agree wi