通过仿真软件和遗传算法2种途径,对风电系统容量的优化配置进行了研究.旨在分析风电容量占电网总容量的最佳比例。研究确定了适于Matlab优化工具箱(Optimization Toolbox)的目标函数和约束条件。将遗传算法理论应用于风电穿越功率的研究,建立了基于遗传算法的优化数学模型,构造了带有惩罚项的适值函数,设计了优化计算流程。以布尔津风电一水电网络为具体的研究对象,采用2种方法对风电系统临界稳定的容量进行优化配置的计算仿真。利用Matlab优化工具箱对布尔津风电一水电网络的优化结果为:当风电总容量占电网总容量13.9%时,系统失稳,结果与该电网实际投运风电容量13.9%时仍稳定运行的情况不符。利用遗传算法对该电网风电容量的优化结果为:15.2%是该电网风电穿越功率的上限。
Wind power capability is optimized by simulation model and Genetic Algorithm to analyze the optimum proportion of wind power capacity in whole network. The objective function and restraints are researched to fit for Optimization Toolbox of Matlab. Genetic Algorithm is applied to the study of wind power penetration and optimum mathematic models are built. The target function with punishment item is formulated and optimum calculation procedure is designed. The simulative configuration optimization of wind power capacity with critical stability is calculated for Xinjiang Buerjin wind- hydraulic power network by both Optimization Toolbox of Matlab and Genetic Algorithm. The result by Matlab is 13.9 %,but the fact is that Buerjin network runs stably with 13.9 % of total capacity being wind power. While the result by Genetic Algorithm is 15.2 % as the upper limit of wind power penetration.