Based on the previous survey results, various remote sensing imagery, and authors' field investigation, a few new understandings on the timing of the latest drying up of the "Great Ear" in the Lop Nor area were achieved. A reinterpretation of the 1958 aerial photographs completed suggest that the official topographic maps derived from the 1958 aerial photographs for the study area are incorrect in properties of several surface features. The concentric salt crust landform was already in place prior to the 1958 great flood and only a small portion of the area of the "Great Ear" was flooded. 137Cs isotope dating results show since 1950' s only 0 -9cm surface soil had deposited that reject the hypothesis that the "Great Ear" in the Lop Nor area was formed by rapid drying up of the 1958 flood water within 4 to 5 years during the early 1960' s. And the high sediment concentration of salt crust rejects the formation only 4 -5 years also. 14C isotope dating results at the 105 cm deep puddle soil layer of profile H)I shows its age more then 3 000 a. It means during the early and mid Holocene there were immersed by water and plant growth thickly. Except for the inner part of the "Great Ear" which was still covered by lake water in 1930' s, the widespread slat crust area within the "great Ear" area was formed during the late Holocene (3 000 a B P). The "Great Ear" experienced the fresh water lake-semi saline lake-saline lake-sah lake-dry salt lake stages.