嵌入式应用固有的多样性、多变性等特点,及其对系统计算性能的苛刻要求,使嵌入式系统结构面临着严峻的挑战.通过在软硬件协同流程、底层通信接口、并行编程模型及运行环境等方面提供对动态部分重构特性的支持,将动态部分重构技术引入面向服务的异构多核(SOMP)系统,从而在不损失系统计算性能的前提下,有效地提高系统的灵活性,使系统满足更多嵌入式应用的要求.SOMP原型系统已在基于Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA芯片的开发板上实现.此外,支持动态部分重构特性的SOMP体系结构的正确性及其带来的灵活性优势通过实验得以验证.
The intrinsic characteristics of embedded applications such as diversity and variability,together with their stringent requirements for computing performance,impose significant challenges on embedded system design.By providing a hardware/software co-design flow,an underlying communication interface,a parallel programming model and the relevant runtime environment,dynamic partial reconfigurable computing (DPR) technology was presented for service-oriented multiprocessor (SOMP) system.The DPR technology can effectively improve the system flexibility without performance loss,enabling the system to satisfy the requirements of more diverse embedded applications.An SOMP prototyping system has been implemented on the development board for the Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA.A series of experiments were conducted and the results demonstrate the correctness and the resulting flexibility of the proposed architecture.