For the purpose of understanding the Mesozoic tectonics of Yanshan belt, the authors carried out geological mapping in this belt. During the mapping, a large-scale thrust structure was identified in Yong′ anpu area, western part of Suizhong County, Liaoning Province. The hanging wall of the thrust is composed of Archean gneiss and the overlying strata,and the strongly ductile deformed volcanic rocks of Early Cretaceous Zhangjiakou Formation comprise the foot-wall in Yong" anpu inlier. The mapping indicates that there exists no "ancient volcanic apparatus" in Yong'anpu area, and that the struc- ture of Yong'anpu area is not an open syncline of Zhangjiakou Formation. However, there does exist a strongly compres-sional detbrmation in Yanshan belt after the eruption of Early Cretaceous Zhangjiakou volcanic rocks. Based on the authors" mapping and research, it can be concluded that the geological maps published by geologists in China have failed to identify major structural features of Yanshan belt.