It has been more than 30 years since the term "A-type granite" was defined in 1979, more and more gran- ites were referred to as A-type granite. However, the term "A-type granite" has become more confusing than edif- ying because it has been applied to a broad spectrum of granitoid compositions with varying petrogenesis. Frost et al. and Frost et al. defined that A-type granitoids are ferroan granitoids as their distinguished Fe-index (Fe * ) val- ues in the Fe * vs. SiO2 diagram. The ferroan granitoids are subdivided into 3 groups according to the aluminum saturation index and the alkalinity index that including peralkaline, metaluminous and peraluminous granitoids, and categorized into 8 subclasses further on the basis of the modified alkali-lime index. Importantly, the concept of fer- roan granitoid is non-genetic, thus the evidences of trace elements or isotopes are needless essentially for its defini- tion. However, the major elements characteristics of the ferroan granitoids are significantly influenced by petroge- netic processes. As a result, the ferroan granitoids can originate from distinct petrogenetic processes. In this sense, the new classification proposed by Frost et al. reveals the essence of the variety of ferroan (A type) granitoids.