在港口集装箱需求不断变化的情况下,港 口集疏运能力的最优配置成为一个重要的决策问题,有利于港口维持高效率运作、减少运输资源闲置浪费.通过分析港口与集疏运车队构成的简单供应链结构,构建了港口集疏运能力配置的多时期动态最优模型,探讨了港口集疏运配置的最优策略,并运用供应链协调的思想分析了动态集疏运能力配置协调的问题.分析结论为:在目前的车队与客户间交易契约方 式(以箱公里单价的收费方式)下无法实现动态最优化的供应链协调,必需改变这种批发价契约形式,实施一种“服务与能力相结合的契约”的报价方式.
The collection distribution capacity has great significance for port operating efficiency.Due to the constantly changing demand for container,the optimal configuration of port collection-distribution capacity becomes an important problem,which has a bearing on the operating efficiency and the utilization of transportation resources.On the basis of analyzing a simple supply chain structure consisting of a port, a forwarder and a truck fleet,a multiperiod dynamic optimization model is constructed and the optimal strategy of collection distribution capacity configuration is discussed.Also, the coordination problem of dynamic collection distribution capacity configuration is analyzed.It is indicated that the optimal configuration strategy is the function of the fixed preset quantity,the demanddriven quantity and the period driven quantity,and is not affected by variable operation cost.It is concluded that present ordinary trading contracts between land transport companies and customers,priced solely on the teu-km basis, do not encourage supply chain coordination and for optimizing the supply train,pricing based on service-capacity combination is suggested.