针对永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,PMSM)的鲁棒性低,PMSM的变速时延较长的问题,提出一种基于新型混合趋近律的滑模变结构控制器。该新型混合趋近律将幂次趋近律和等速趋近律相结合,以减小滑模面趋近时间,进而减小变速时延。并针对电机负载扰动问题,设计了负载扰动观测器。对基于幂次趋近律的滑模控制和基于新型混合趋近律的滑模控制的转速和转速误差进行了实验分析,分别对比了转速时延、转速误差2个物理量。研究结果表明,基于新型混合趋近律的滑模变结构控制器将PMSM的升速时延降低了一半,速度误差也减小了一半,即能够使系统同时具有快速性和强鲁棒性,且无超调,方便工程应用,实用价值较高。
Aiming at the low robustness of the permanent magnet synchronous motor and the longer transmission delay of the motor, put forward a sliding mode variable structure controller based on a new hybrid reaching law. The new reaching law will mix the exponential reaching law and the constant speed reaching law unifies, to reduce the sliding mode reaching time, thus reducing transmission delay. And according to load disturbance problem, load disturbance observer was de- signed. Based on the exponential reaching law of sliding mode control and based on the new hybrid reaching law of sliding mode control of speed and speed error analysis experiments were conducted, respectively compared the speed delay, speed error two physical quantities. The experimental results show that based on the new hybrid reaching law of sliding mode variable structure controller of PMSM speed up latency is reduced by half, velocity error also decreased in half, that is, to make the system at the same time, has a rapid and strong robustness and no overshoot, and is convenient for engineering application, and has a high practical value.