Quantum anomalous Hall insulator, also called as Chern insulator, is a new two- dimensional insulator distinguished from normal insulator and topological insulator by possess- ing a special and experimentally observable physical property--quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE). This is a novel quantum state can not be described by the Landau symmetry breaking theory but by the concept of topology of band structure. Its discovery experienced a long his- tory: from the explanation of intrinsic contribution to anomalous Hall effect, to the discovery of quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulator, to the prediction and realization of magnetic topological insulator, and finally to the experimental observation of it. Since QAHE does not require external magnetic field and has dissipationless (without lost of kinetic energy that being transferred to thermal energy) conducting edge states which can be used as an ideal conducting wire, it is expected to have various potential applications in future. This paper gives a review of this field on its history, basic concepts and related materials from the theoretical point of view.