The middle reaches of the Yangtze River are frequently-occurring heavy rain areas. It is important to have the knowledge of heavy rain mesoscale and small-scale weather systems in these areas, their mechanism, and develop the heavy rain and lfood forecasting technology for the lfood control and hazard mitigation. From the heavy rain ifeld observation experiment, data inversion and fusion technology, observation analysis and theoretical research on heavy rain mesoscale convective systems, the mesoscale numerical model, and the hydrometeorological coupling rainstorm and lfood forecasting system which are the most crucial aspects of observation data analysis, mechanism, numerical prediction, and hydrological application of the study on heavy rain in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the main research progress has been brielfy reviewed in China since 2000. The problems which obstruct the research depth and forecast quality were also discussed. Finally, the research development tendency was prospected.