Using the multiple observational data and NCEP reanalysis data, the synoptic background, environmental field features and activity characteristics of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) producing an extremely rainstorm in the southern part of Anhui Province on 9-- 10 July 2007 are analyzed. The effects of mesoscale topography like Dabie Mountain and Wannan mountainous areas on the MCSs activity and rainstorm formation are studied and investigated. Then the high resolution numerical simulation, top- ographical sensitivity experiments and comparison analysis are conducted to further deduce the role of me- socale topography in the activities of rainstorm-producing MCSs. The results are as follows. Two rain- storm centers are formed on the northeast side of Dabie Mountain and in the northern part of Wannan mountainous areas, respectively in the heavy pericipitation process, where four MCSs are formed. The ex- tremely heavy pericipitation in Wannan region is produced by two quasi-stationary MCSs. The MCSs is of obvious diurnal variations and its diurnal peak is in the early morning. The Meiyu frontal lower-level con- vergence and high-level divergence are main causes of the MCSs formation and development. In the south- east movement of the Meiyu front, the MCSs position relative to the mesoscale topography is variable and the predominant flow direction over the topography and the topographic F~ number is also changed contin- uously. The topographies exert influences on the MCSs through different dynamic mechanisms. Under the high topographic Fw value, the impact of Dabie Mountain upon the downstream MCSs mainly is through mountain waves. Under low topographic Fw value, the flows around the topography and the mountain waves have a combined effect on the downstream MCSs. The Wannan mountainous areas are favorable for the MCSs formation and maintenance when the MCSs move close to its north slope. The topographic bloc- king effect slows down the MCSs movement, which is beneficial to the formation of extremely rainstor