针对舰载机的前轮拖曳弹射起飞方式,结合前起落架突伸技术对缓冲器构型进行了研究,确定了缓冲器的组合突伸模式。基于常规型双腔油气式缓冲器提出了改进的缓冲器构型,并通过适当减小缓冲器的反弹阻尼来缩短突伸时间。应用动力学仿真软件LMS Virtual.Lab与机械/液压仿真软件AMESim实现了舰载机前起落架弹射-突伸动力学联合仿真。仿真结果表明:缓冲器各关键参数的变化与理论计算结果一致;增加高压充气的突伸模式比单纯释放储存势能的突伸模式能够获得更好的突伸效果,改进设计型缓冲器可有效缩短突伸时间。
Most carrier-based airplanes were catapult launched from carrier decks,and nose landing gear extended at the moment of separating.In this situation,the problem of an oleo-pneumatic buffer was studied to suit for catapult launch.Some different extension modes of buffer were discussed,and a new oleo-pneumatic buffer with two-stage chambers was studied for better take-off performance.The co-simulation models of nose landing gear were well established,subsequently,the catapult launch-extension simulation was carried out.The simulation results indicate that the combination of injecting high pressure gas and releasing potential energy is more effective;in addition,the improved buffer can actually extent more quickly.