大部分的挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染环境,危害人身健康.目前,我国虽然已开展了治理 VOCs污染的工作,但还缺乏有效的、拥有自主知识产权的 VOCs治理技术,因此研发新型高效 VOCs处理技术迫在眉睫.催化氧化法是公认的最有效消除 VOCs的途径之一,而高性能催化剂的研发是实现该过程的关键.近年来,人们围绕消除 VOCs的高效且价廉的催化剂的研发开展了卓有成效的工作,许多过渡金属氧化物、混合或复合金属氧化物及其负载贵金属催化剂均被认为是有效的催化氧化材料.与体相材料相比,多孔材料具有发达的孔道结构和高的比表面积,一方面有利于反应物的扩散、吸附和脱附,因而具有更高的催化活性和选择性;另一方面有利于活性组分(如贵金属等)在多孔材料表面的高分散,抑制活性组分的烧结,因而具有更好的催化稳定性.本文简述了近年来多孔金属氧化物在环境污染物消除领域的研究进展,阐述了以有序介孔或大孔过渡金属氧化物、钙钛矿型氧化物和负载贵金属催化剂的制备及其对典型 VOCs(如苯系物、醇类、醛类及酮类等)氧化的催化性能,重点介绍了四类催化材料,包括有序介孔过渡金属氧化物或复合氧化物(Co3O4, MnO2, Fe2O3, Cr2O3和 LaFeO3等)催化剂,有序介孔金属氧化物负载贵金属(Au/Co3O4, Au/MnO2和 Pd/Co3O4等)催化剂,三维有序大孔过渡金属氧化物或复合氧化物(Fe2O3, LaMnO3, La0.6Sr0.4MnO3和 La2CuO4等)催化剂,以及三维有序大孔金属氧化物负载贵金属(Au/Co3O4, Au/LaCoO3, Au/La0.6Sr0.4MnO3和 AuPd/Co3O4等)催化剂的制备及其物化性质与对苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙醇、丙酮、甲醛、甲烷或氯甲烷等 VOCs氧化的催化性能之间的相关性.借助二氧化硅或聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯微球等硬模板,采用纳米浇铸法可制备出二维或三维的有序单一或多级孔道结构的金属氧化物.研究表
Most of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are harmful to the atmosphere and human health. Cata‐lytic combustion is an effective way to eliminate VOCs. The key issue is the availability of high per‐formance catalysts. Many catalysts including transition metal oxides, mixed metal oxides, and sup‐ported noble metals have been developed. Among these catalysts, the porous ones attract much attention. In this review, we focus on recent advances in the synthesis of ordered mesoporous and macroporous transition metal oxides, perovskites, and supported noble metal catalysts and their catalytic oxidation of VOCs. The porous catalysts outperformed their bulk counterparts. This excel‐lent catalytic performance was due to their high surface areas, high concentration of adsorbed oxy‐gen species, low temperature reducibility, strong interaction between noble metal and support and highly dispersed noble metal nanoparticles and unique porous structures. Catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide over typical catalysts was also discussed. We made conclusive remarks and pro‐posed future work for the removal of VOCs.