The change of sea surface temperature (SST) is one of the most important basic data in the study of paleooceanography. The quantitative calculation of paleotemperature is a key for understanding the evolution of global climate system and is also the frontier in the study of paleoenvironments. The methods for reconstructing the sea surface paleotemperature have attracted many scientists' attention particularly in recent years and become more and more perfect. For estimating the sea surface paleotemperature, bio-species and bio-assemblages which can be used as indicators were applied at the very beginning, then the transform functions were applied, and recently some geochemical methods such as oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratio of foraminifera, U37^k and Sr/Ca, U/Ca and Mg/Ca of coral bones have been used. The present paper is to introduce all these methods from the points of view of their principles, advantages, disadvantages and applied confines, and to give some advices for the future studies of sea surface paleotemperature.