Suppose that the vertex set of a connected graph G is V(G) = {v1 ,v2,…,vn} and D(G) = (dij) is the distance matrix of G, where dij/is distances between vi and vj. Then we denote the sum of distances between vi and all other vertices of G. Let Tr(G) be the n x n diagonal matrix with its (i,i) - entry equal to Trc ( vi ). Then QD (G) = Tr(G) + D(G) is the distance signless Laplacian matrix of G. The largest eigenvalues of QD( G), denoted by λQ (G) ,is distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of G. In this paper we characterize extremal graphs with the maximal and minimum distance signless Laplaeian spectral radius of transformed clique path among clique trees.