Through the method of sampling and laboratory analysis, this study analyzed the effects of different urban riparian vegetation systems on the retention of soil nutrients. The results showed that (1) ripari- an vegetation types had significant effects on the content of soil total nitrogen (TN), available nitrogen (AN) ,total phosphorus (TP),available phosphorus (AP) and soil organic matter (SOM),and also the vertical distribution characteristics of the soil nutrients in the 0-30 cm soil profile. Compared with riparian abandoned grassland,Rhus typhina forestland and Populus simonii forestland, the content of soil TN, AN, TP, AP and SOM of Chloris virgata lawn and Zoysia japonica lawn significantly decreased in the 0-- 5 cm and 5--10 cm soil layer,but with little effect on the soil layer below 10 em. 2) In the 0--30 cm soil profile, the average content of soil TN, AN, TP, AP and SOM of abandoned grassland,R, typhina forestland and P. simonii forestland was higheer than C. virgata lawn and Z. japonica lawn,but the soil bulk density(BD) exhibited opposite trend. The capacity of soil nutrient retention was the highest under abandoned grass- land, followed by P. simonii forestland, and R. typhina forestland,Zoysia japonica lawn and Chloris virga ta lawn.