如何从海量的样本数据中挖掘出具有共性的顾客需求信息,帮助商家识别出潜在的客户群,并提高对市场活动的响应效率,是当前国内外市场研究的一个重点和难点。以新产品开发策划中的新产品市场定位为研究对象,提出了一种基于网格的聚类算法(mesh-based clustering algorithm,MCA)。此算法可以在市场调查数据中深度挖掘顾客潜在需求,根据顾客评价对产品进行竞争性分析,采用积极的营销策略,不断挖掘新客户群体,从而为企业制定新产品开发战略和产品市场定位提供科学决策依据。
As a key technology and the hardest one in data mining, clustering algorithms are now studied around the world. This paper proposed a novel approach of clustering algorithms from a new point of view, which by name of mesh-based clustering algorithm. Applied the MCA in a detail application that was designated to help the decision makers of a manufactory or company, to new strategy of product development more wisely, which was often mentioned by market-oriented product development.