The species composition, dominant species, and the abundance of phytoplankton were investigated in Qushan Island in October, 2010. Total 181 species of phytoplankton were commonly found in the survey area, belonging to 7 phyla. The phytoplankton community was mainly composed of Bacillariophyta (133 species, 73.9 % ),followed by Dinophyta (38 species, 21.1%). The Skeletonema costatum was the most dominant species in this area. The species and cell abundances of phytoplankton took on the obvious tidal-cycle characteristics. It showed that phytoplankton species and cell abundance in spring tide were larger than those in neap tide. The average diversity indices (H') of phytoplankton during spring tide and neap tide were 0.65 and 1.10, respectively. The cluster analysis showed that each group had significant differences. The eutrophication was serious in Qushan Island. During the spring tide, the contents of DIN and DIP were 0.81 mg/L and 0.04 mg/L, and during the neap tide, the contents of DIN and DIP were 1.04 mg/L and 0.04 mg/L, respeetively.