To improve office rooms’ indoor environment and reduce energy consumption, this paper represent a research on indoor thermal comfort of 7 typical of ice building in Tianjin at winter. The field study and basic data col ection was done with two methods: indoor environment parameters testing and sending questionnaires. After that,according to the linear relationship between TSV(Thermal Sensation Vote) and top (operate temperature), an adapted mean Thermal Sensation Vote (mTSV) model was established to discuss the deviation between mTSV and mPMV. The low limit of indoor air temperatures(tamin)were calculated, based on dif erent levels of PPD(Predicted Percent Dissatisfied):25%, 10% and 5%. A typical ofifce building, which was set according to Tianjin’s public building energy saving design standard, was utilized to run several energy simulations to test the E (energy consumption) variation based on dif erent tamin. The results show that there was a strong quadratic term relationship between the E and tamin. And we can cut almost 5%of energy consumption without sacriifcing the level of indoor environment satisfaction by reducing heating design temperature, that should be an essential suggestion to reifne the active local standards.