当飞机进行超低空牵引空投(Super low attitude parachute extraction system,SLAPES)时,货物在货舱内移动,导致飞机质心位置、转动惯量以及绕质心的气动力矩都有显著的变化,飞机可能变成静不稳定的。本文从理论力学和飞行力学的基本原理出发,以飞机的质心作为参考点,分别建立了重物在货舱内静止,被牵引伞牵引和最后在货舱内移动的整个过程中飞机响应的数学模型。通过对重物的不同质量、牵引伞不同牵引比和不同的开伞过程时间条件下的仿真,得到货物质量、牵引比和开伞过程对整个空投的影响。
In the super low attitude of the airdrop, the movement of the cargos in the cabin will cause significant changes in the center of gravity (CG), the moment of inertia as well as the aerodynamic torque around the center of mass. As a result, the aircraft may become instability. The center of mass of the aircraft is taken as the reference point to establish dynamics models including before the airdrop, the extraction parachute pulling the cargos and the cargos moving in the cabin based on theoretical mechanics and basic flight dynamic equations. Finally, the effect of the extraction parachute, the cargos and the parachute opening process on the airdrop is simulated.