为了对失效分析案例知识进行有效存储和充分利用,建立了失效分析案例数据库,该案例数据库包括用户界面、用户登录模块、添加记录模块和数据查询模块,在创建失效分析案例数据库的过程中采用了Visual C++6.0开发数据应用程序,利用ADO技术与当前最流行的数据库技术SQL Server建立连接,实现了存储和查询全文形式的案例知识的功能。
In order to save efficiently and use sufficiently, failure analysis case database had been developed. It incltided the user interface and three modules like login, adding records and inquiring data. In the course of developing failure analysis case database Visual C+ +6. 0 , SQL Server and ADO were used. The failure analysis case database had realized the function of saving and inquiring the case knowledge expressed by the full text form.