Pressure-induced phase transition of Bi4Ti3O12 (BIT) was studied using a shell model via molecular dy- namics method. The Ti-Ti short range interaction potential was added to increase the accuracy of the simulation. The calculated spontaneous polarizations of ferroelectric orthorhombic B2cb phase BIT single crystal were 39.41xC/cm2 in the x direction and 0 in the z direction at 300K, which were in reasonable agreement with the ex- perimental values. The pressure-induced phase transition of BIT was also calculated. It was observed that BIT sin- gle crystal underwent two structural transformations at around 6GPa and 20GPa with increasing pressure from -2GPa to 24GPa. The accompanying symmetry changes may be the same as those observed at ambient pressure at elevated temperature. Thus the results provide a theoretical prediction of the pressure-induced phase transition in BIT.