日益复杂的微型介入手术要求采用新的方法培训外科医生,虚拟现实技术提供了可行的途径.介绍了用于腹腔镜手术技能培训的基于虚拟现实建模语言(Virtual Reality Modeling Language,VRML)和Java的低成本、网络化解决方案.该虚拟现实系统能够实现对医师从事腹腔镜手术所必需的基本技能的培训,具有很好的社会效益和经济效益.
More and more complicated minimally invasive surgery calls for new methods for education and training. Surgical training systems based on virtual reality (VR) and simulation techniques provide a feasible approach. The paper presents a basic laparoscopic surgical skills training system based on VRML and Java, which is web-based and low-cost. The simulation system has been applied to basic skills training which is sig- nificant for a surgeon.