For the one-dimensional mesoscopic ring with the ferromagnetic texture, to restrain the quantum fluctuations caused by the electron-one-phonon interaction, the non-classical correlation effects are used in our research to solve this puzzling problem, i.e. 1) the hopping electron-displaced phonon state correlation; 2) the process correlation between the phonon squeezed state, and the one-phonon coherent state, originating from the squeezed coherent state of phonon; 3) the renormalization of the phonon displacement. It is found that due to the electron-two phonon interaction, the squeezing effect of phonon is enhanced significantly. Because of the effect of the electron-displaced phonon correlation the non-classical eigen state energy declines significantly and the amplitude of the persistent current increases substantially. Particularly the process correlation between the squeezed phonon state and the one-phonon coherent state is by far the most important contribution to these non-classical effects. First of all, this effect more greatly increases the squeezing effect of phonon field in contrast to the ideal squeezed state. As a result, it will restrain effectively the Debye-Waller effect (factor ωph) with ωph ( ωph. Furthermore, when we combine the effective renormalization of the phonon displacement with the effect of process correlation between the phonon squeezed state and the one-phonon coherent state, the phonon squeezing effect will increases substantially, at the same time, the D-W effect decreased more substantially (ωph (≤ωph), thereby weakening the quantum fluctuation to a bigger degree. With these results, the non-classical eigen energy (En) is much lowered (En≤En^(0))), while the amplitude of eigen persistent current is increased most significantly (In≤ In^(0)).