柑橘黄龙病是柑橘生产中的毁灭性病害,且该病病原菌中存在噬菌体/原噬菌体。原噬菌体序列是该病病原菌基因组动态变化的关键组分,对病原菌种内多样性起重要作用。为探明赣南地区柑橘木虱体内黄龙病菌原噬菌体类型的多样性,利用2对PCR引物对分别采自赣南赣州市、寻乌、于都、定南、瑞金、南康、崇义等7个不同柑橘产区的42头柑橘木虱阳性样品进行PCR检测和测序。结果表明在赣南地区柑橘木虱体内黄龙病菌株系原噬菌体类型的存在划分为4种:单一SC1类型、单一SC2类型、没有噬菌体类型和SC1-SC2噬菌体类型。其中单一的原噬菌体类型(SC1 or SC2)检测率达67%,而2种原噬菌体共存或未检测到噬菌体类型分别占12%、21%。由此可见赣南柑橘木虱体内黄龙病菌株中单一的原噬菌体占一定优势,可能是由于2种原噬菌体在寄主中存在竞争。对赣南柑橘木虱黄龙病菌株中噬菌体/原噬菌体类型检测有助于了解该区菌株噬菌体/原噬菌体的遗传多样性,也有助于进一步的研究分析柑橘木虱的传毒机制。
Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by Candidatus liberibacter,is the most devastating disease of citrus for which no effective cure has been found.Prophages are highly dynamic components in the bacterial genome and play an important role in intraspecies variations.In order to investigate the genetic diversity among CLas strains,two primer sets,targeted hypervariable genomie regions of two prophage types (SC1 and SC2) , respectively ,were used for PCR detection and sequence analysis of 42 samples of Diaphorina cirri from seven localities in Jiangxi, including Ganzhou, Xunwu, Yudou, Dingnan, Ruijin, Nankang and Congyi.PCR amplicon polymorphisms were observed ,the prophage types were classified into four types,single SC1 type ,single SC2 type, both SC 1-SC2 type and no prophage types in "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" strains of Diaphorina citri in Gannan.And the result suggested that most of CLas strains contained only one prophage (SC1 or SC2) (67%), and C Las strains with two and no prophage types accounted for 12% and 21%, respectively.The prevalence of single prophages suggested competition events between prophages for CLas hosts. So the investigation on prophage type of Diaphorina citri in Gannan may help analyzing the genetic diversity of prophage in Gannan strains, and further researching the toxic mechanism of Diaphorina citri.