地跨中、俄、哈、蒙四国的阿尔泰山共有冰川面积约1 700 km2,其中中国约280 km2,俄罗斯及哈萨克斯坦约880 km2,可作为统一的冰川系统进行研究。本文首先应用中国及前苏联冰川编目数据分析了本系统冰川的结构特征。表明本区冰川平衡线约为2 983 m,为中国的小型冰川(平均面积0.8 km2)作用区。应用最新的遥感影像与冰川编目数据对比,计算出近40~50 a来,已有208条冰川消失,总面积退缩12%,其中南侧中国为31%,北侧俄、哈两国为7%,这个差别与阿尔泰山南、北两地区近数10 a来气温上升幅度不同有关。应用冰川系统模型计算,阿尔泰山南、北两侧冰川径流在20世纪70~80年代达到最大,然后均逐渐减少,在增温为0.05℃/a的情景下,到本世纪末,阿尔泰山冰川将趋近完全消失,其中中国只剩下3%,俄、哈两国也还只有9%。
There are 1 700 km2 glaciers survived in the glacier system of Altay region which locates in the interface of Kazakhstan,Mongolia,Russia and China,with the area of 880 km2 in Russia and Kazakhstan and 280 km2 in China respectively.The characteristics of Altay glacier system were analyzed on the basis of Chinese and Former Soviet Union glacier inventories data.The glacier system s average area is 0.8 km2 while the median size of Smed(N),Smed(S),Smed(V) are 0.3 km2,2 km2 and 3.4 km2 respectively.The ELA incre...