墨学逐渐受到国内学者和海外汉学家的青睐,作为代表墨家思想的《墨子》的翻译工作也获得发展。但在翻译中,由于中西文化的冲突,经常造成翻译错位现象。文章选取了《墨子》中的《号令》一篇,选取了Ian Johnston及李绍崑的译本为语料,重点关注其中的称谓词英译,将其分为官衔类称谓词、岗位类称谓词及常规类称谓词,并且详细指出了以上两个译本在此类词汇的英译中存在错位现象。
With an increasing interest in Mohism held by scholars home and abroad, the translation of "Mozi" has got rapid de- velopment. However, mismatching is a big problem due to cultural differences between the East and the West. The paper, based of the English translation by Ian Johnston and Cyrus Lee, focuses on the addressing terms in the chapter of "On Orders" in "Mozi" and presents the mismatches in the translation of those addressing terms.