克罗宁(BlaiseCronin)是世界著名的图书情报学家和科学计量学家,他于2013年获普赖斯奖这一科学计量学与信息计量学最高奖项。以WebofScience数据库收录的其128篇期刊论文为数据基础,运用包括词频统计、共现分析和引文分析在内的科学计量方法,辅以信息可视化技术,对B.Cronin30多年来的学术成就与影响以及学术交流状况进行定量分析。结果显示,B.Cronin是一位高产作者,基于其工作经历可以划分出4个产出阶段;研究内容虽然涉及引文分析、学者研究、科研合作、网络计量和学术致谢等多个主题,但都体现出对学术交流和学术评价的指向。从H指数、区域扩散和引用者视角,说明B.Cronin 同样也是一位具有国际学术影响力的学者。
Blaise Cronin is the world-famous library and information scientist and scientometrie scholar. He won the Derek de Solla Price Memorial Medal awardee in 2013, which is the top award in the scientometrics and informetrics field. Based on his 128 journal papers in the Web of Science, this paper has a quantitative analysis on his scholarly attainment, academic influence and scholarly communication during the 30 years by the bibliometric methods of word frequency count, co-occurrence analysis and citation analysis, with information visualization technology. The results show that Blaise Cronin is a prolific author and his paper out can be divided into four stages based on his professional experience. He has published papers in several aspects, such as citation analysis, scholarly study, scientific collaboration, webometrics and acknowledgement, which all reflect the orientation of scholarly communication and academic revaluation. Blaise Cronin is also a scholar with strong international influence from the view of H - index, regional diffusion, and citer.