Tao is the foundation of Lao Tzu's philosophic argument. Lao Tzu's Tao has three meaningswhich are Tao of ontology, Tao of rule and law, and Tao of principles of life. The Tao of ontology which has twokinds of meaning and contains the universe generated power and material. is being highly abstract meanings.Tao of rule and law is the way of the law of the world movement which mainly includes the law of the unity ofopposites and circular motion law of things. Tao of principles of life is the way of human life style and ways ofdoing things, containing the life style and the person or thing that two kinds of implication. The Tao of ontologyis the starting point of Lao Tzu's Philosophy. Tao of rule and law is dialectics in Lao Tzu's philosophy. Tao ofprinciples of life is Lao Tzu's philosophic standpoint. Triple meaning under the way of closely linked, penetra-tion is always in the philosophy of Lao tzu.