报道了中国浙江省藓类植物1个新纪录属台湾藓属(Taiwanobryum)及4个新记录种:草黄湿原藓(Calliergon stramineum(Brid.)Kindb.)、小凤尾藓侧蒴变种(Fissidens bryoides var.lateralis(Broth.)Z.Iwats.& T.Suzuki.)、矮平藓(Neckera humilis Mitt.)和台湾藓(Taiwanobryum speciosum Nog.),并对它们的生境和地理分布作了初步讨论.浙江省西天目山是台湾藓目前已知我国分布的最北界.
A moss genus of Taiwanobryum and four moss species are reported new to Zhejiang province, China. These species are Calliergon stramlneum ( Brid. ) Kindb. , Fissidens bryoides var. lateralis ( Broth. ) Z. Iwats. & T. Suzuki. , Neckera humilis Mitt. and Taiwanobryum speciosum Nog. The general habitats and geographical distributions of them are also discussed. Based on the literatures, West Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang is the most northern distribution of Taiwanobryum speciosum Nog. in China at present.