众包竞赛通过提供多样化创新交易机制和专业化服务,有效集成了企业、科技人员和大学生等创新创业资源,提高了企业R&D效率,促进众包竞赛解答者利用其才能和空闲时间创造价值,实现收益。通过5 896个到网任务解答者数据,分析了任务属性、解答者参与历史因素和参与战略对其中标的影响,发现:1任务属性中,任务难度对解答者本次中标有负向影响,任务密度对解答者本次中标有正向影响;2参与历史因素中,中标率对解答者本次中标有正向影响,上次中标对解答者本次中标有负向影响;3参与战略中,参与近因对解答者中标无显著影响,提交顺序与解答者中标之间呈倒U型关系。
Crowdsourcing effectively integrate the innovative entrepreneurial resources of large number of firms,scientists and college students by providing broadly innovation transaction mechanism services and the specialized services,which benefit to RD efficiency of firms and the solvers to effectuate their value and profit during the free time.This paper analyzes the task attribute,historical factors and participation strategy how to influence the solvers' bidding success by the series tasks of tripadviser.com.The results show:(1)in the construct of task attribute,the task difficulty is negatively impact the bidding success,while the task density is positively impact the bidding success;(2)in the construct of historical factors,the winning ratio is positively impact the bidding success,while the last performance is negatively impact the bidding success;(3)in the construct of participation strategy,the participation recency has no significantly impact on bidding success,and there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the submitting order and bidding success.