本文描述了AF C^*-代数中闭Lie理想,证明了如果AF C^*-代数A中的线性流形L是A的闭Lie理想,则存在A的闭结合理想I和A的典型masa D中的闭子代数研使得[A,I]^-属于L属于I+E1,并且A中每一个这种形式的闭子空间都是A的闭Lie理想.
We study Lie ideals in unital AF C^*-algebras. It is shown that if a linear manifold L in an AF C^*-algebra A is a closed Lie ideal in A, then there exists a closed associative ideal I and a closed subalgebra EI of the canonical masa D of A such that [A,I]^- belong to L belong to I + EI, and that every closed subspace in this form is a closed Lie ideal in A.