系统解列(system splitting,SS)问题是指如何决定合理的解列点(或称为解列策略)的问题。大规模系统的SS问题一般非常复杂,因为策略求解会遭遇组合爆炸问题,所以网络化简非常必要。该文根据“就近原则”设计一种新的网络化简方法。该方法可极大程度地简化系统规模,排除大量的非可行解列策略,加快搜索校验,从而为解决大规模系统的解列问题提供可能。通过在IEEE68节点系统和中国东北系统上进行测试,证明该方法的有效性和可行性。
System splitting (SS) problem which is to determine proper splitting points (or called splitting strategies) is very complicated in general, especially for large-scale power system, because a combinatorial explosion of strategy space happens. So it is necessary to simplify the network before really starting solving the problem. A new method of network simplification is presented based on "principle of proximity", which can further reduce scale of large power systems than current existed methods while keeping as many feasible strategies as possible. Testing results on the IEEE 68-bus system and China north-east grid show that proposed method is feasible and effective for reducing system scale and speeding up strategy searching and verifying.